Geeta Jyoti B.Ed. College, N.H. 7, Urahat Rewa

Psychology Lab Details

1) (a)Intelligence Group Test (Performance) (b)Intelligence Culture Fare Group Test.
2) Personality K.N.P.I.(Group,Verbal)
3) Int. Stan. Prog. Matx. (Group Performance) Reading Motivation
4) Attitude and Interest (Group, Verbal)
5) Value Scale (Personality Test)
6) RCEB, Mental Health Scale
7) RCEB, Scale of Motivation for Studies
8) RCEB, students Attitude towards Studies
9) RCEB, Personality Development Inventory
10) Value Test
11) Teaching Attitude Scale for Secondary teachers
12) Job Satisfaction Scale for Secondary teachers
13) Learning Stress Scale for Secondary teachers
14) Group Intelligence Test(Bengali Version)
15) Extraversion-Introversion (Personality Test)
16) Emotional Instability-Adjustment
17) The bell Adjustment Inventory
18) The motivation in science Questionnaire
19) Achievement cum Diagnostic Test in Mathematics by C.P.S.M.
20) Manual for Kundu Introversion-Extraversion Inventory
21) Science Talent Search Test for Students of VI-IX conducted by
22) All India Science Teachers Association
1) Computer Aided Aptitude Test Battery
2) Reading and Writing Motivation

Psychology Lab. Instrument

Sr. No. Items Quantity
1.Attention Board05 pcs.
2.Bhatiya Battery Test01 pcs.
3.Human Maze01 pcs.
4.Muller Lyer (APRC)01 pcs.
5.Mirror Drawing Simple01 pcs.
6.Finger Dexterity Board01 pcs.
7.Tachistoscope01 pcs.
8.Memory Drum01 pcs.